April 28, 2021

Osmar Valenzuela: Help Us Save Our Community

Osmar Valenzuela: Help Us Save Our Community
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Osmar Valenzuela: Help Us Save Our Community

Do you wanna help the environment, and at the same time support the indigenous people of Paraguay?

Do you wanna help the environment, and at the same time support the indigenous people of Paraguay?

This weekend I got a message from my friend Osmar Valenzuela. 

He told me the story on how young members of the indigenous communities in Amambay, are being forced to abandoned their tribal lands and go into the cities in search of jobs.  Osmar has an idea, to start an organization named “The way of the earth can provide for us ” an association made of leaders from 10 different communities to help promote their agricultural goods, and having the communities be self sustaining, that way they can still continue passing on the values, history, arts, culture of the Pai Tavytera to the next generation.

The association will keep protecting the environment by practicing sustainable agriculture practices and protecting medical plants and the knowledge on how to use them. 

 Can you help us keep the Pai Tavytera culture alive and help them protect their enviroment? Any donation would be appreciated it. 

Send me a an email if you can help frankoweaver @ gmail . com 


Thank you!